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World War IV at the Door

( – Recent references to a potential World War III abound. They include those from a George F. Will Washington Post column headlined “Averting World War III starts with stopping Putin”. There was also Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.’s Wall Street Journal commentary implying the…

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Trump Too Must Pass the Torch

When you lose Taylor Swift, you have not necessarily lost the presidential election. But when you and your vice-presidential pick descend to a public spat with the internationally adored billionaire songstress, you’ve probably lost suburban women and other purported swing…

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Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Them

( – Anthony Fauci recently received standing ovations from nearly 7,000 people. Twice in less than half an hour. Unjustifiable, it is true, but not inexplicable. Fauci, of course, is the recently retired head of the National Institute of Allergy…

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